Having launched your own start-up tech business, chances are you’re swamped with digital material. You’ve studied it all, right? Well, how about including a few traditional gems of wisdom? With the help of Where The Trade Buys, UK suppliers of printed foamex signage and banners for businesses, we have scoured the library shelves to find the best books to get your business built from the best foundation. From predicting trends and changes, to knowing how to approach investors, read on to discover the books you need to read for your business venture.

How Google Works

Hard to believe, but just like your new tech business, Google was once a start-up. Google executives Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg allow new business owner to see the inner workings of Google’s own business strategy. Renowned for its innovation, creativity, and ability to bounce back from errors (remember Wave?), this glimpse into the birth and evolution of Google is a must for anyone who wishes to emulate even a part of its success.

The Industries of the Future

Stay ahead of your competition with this book. A New York Times bestseller, Ross delivers an extensive insight into your industry’s most important advances, from cybersecurity and robotics to genomics and big data, using input from global leaders.

Reading this book is a great opportunity for readers to gain insight from a senior advisor for innovation to a former Secretary of State in the US. His extensive travel has given him access to the some of the most powerful people in business, and his book is packed with astute observations regarding opportunities for growth and the unknown tech forces that are changing — or will change — the world.

Conscious Capitalism

Does capitalism have a natural place in business? Yes, according to Whole Foods CEO John Mackey and author Raj Sisodia. Your business’ success rides on your treatment of both potential investors and employees. Referencing several other leading companies — such as UPS, Google and Amazon — Conscious Capitalism gives an insightful and expert analysis of how you can infuse your business environment with positivity for the optimum workplace culture (an essential component of Google’s success and almost expected by many people working within the innovative tech industry today). Being conscious of how your company can impact the world and how you can create a desirable environment to engender creativity and originality could make all the difference to your business’ success in the first few years of its life.

Your One Word

Evan Carmichael demonstrates the road to success in his book. He is credited with having started and sold a biotech business by the time he was 19. This book will teach you how to unveil your company’s potential and tap into it effectively. If you need a boost of confidence and an injection of motivation to start making your tech-business dreams come true, immerse yourself in the powerful words of Carmichael.